Today Ushki has went to our vet, just to have a healt certificate made by a Swedish veterinarian.. He has one from the Spanish vet, but our insurancecompany wanted to have a new one from this country as well. Ushki was a bit worried in the beginning of the ride, but soon settled down in his nice cage. We had put in a litterbox just in case.. Well, he didn't need it, and he behaved very well at the vet's. No problems at all with the certificate, and then we went home after a quick stop at the pharmacy. Wilma has some fever, so I'll have to stay home from work, and Stefan is also ill, so Ushki is having lots of attention these days.. I thought Ushki only did sleep with me the last night, but Stefan told me that after spending some hours in my bed he went to Stefans bed, so he is for sure a little cuddle bear! ;o)
As you can see on the picture above is someone still sulky.. ;o) Loppan usually take some weeks to get along with new cats and litters of kittens as well, so we are not surprised at all. She gets all the attention from Linn and Maja, since she is hanging in their rooms upstairs all the days and nights the first weeks of new familymembers entrances... She'll be fine in time.. Just wonder, since Bruce's new girlfriend probably will arrive tomorrow, how she will react then.. We should probably use Majas or Linns room for the mating taking part, and that will aswell be a thing to sulk about for Loppan.. Poor Loppan.. ;o)
Bye for now!
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