First of all I want to thank Heather Anne at La Peyre for trusting us with Ushki! He is an adorable babyboy, and we are so very pleased being able to get him in an easy and smooth way thansk to Heather Anne & Javier! I met up Heather Anne on the Ibis Hotel in Madrid center, and there she was with my already very loved Ushki! Ushki started to charm me immediatly, and dragged himself all across my bed just to have the attention.. And he for sure did get it! Anne & I went out for a good meal, and later on, when we returned to the hotel, Ushki continued charming me.. He even layed on my chest and purred during the night. A very charming boy indeed..! :o) This morning we had breakfast at the hotel, me and Anne, and later on she left me and Ushki with a brand new cage, a nice blanket with his name on, his food and of course the cat himself, Ushki among other things! I am very grateful to Anne & Javier for their hospitality and for giving us the chance to have Ushki!
Ushki and I took the metro to the airport, checked our luggage in, waited for a couple of hours, and he behaved so nicely and calm. When we finally sat on the plane and the plane took off he became a bit worried and started to run around in his cage and trying to break out.. I thought it was because of the plane taking off, but later on it turned out he had to go to the toilet.. And there was none.. Luckily for me Anne was wellprepared (I wasn't for sure...) and had given me a disposable paperblanket for Ushki to have in his cage "just in case".. Uski and I went to the toilet on the plane, washed him of a bit, threw away the disposable blanket and then I gave him his litterbox filled with sand (a very small litterbox, perfect for him to lie in.. ;o)) IF he had to go again.. ;o) He didn't. Not a single word from Uski, not even when the plane landed, or when we picked up our luggage or even when we went all the way home by car. My dear co-owner to Ushki, Marie Fairyheart, drove all the way to Copenhagen just to pick us up so that Ushki could have a big cage the final 3,5 hours home. Love you, Marie! ;o)
At home Ushki had the opportunity to discouver his new home without any disturbance of any other cat, and he was really curious. He started to eat (He likes James Wellbeloved a lot!) and to drik and after some time we decided to let him meet Bruce. It went fine, and after that we took the others out. Domino was a bit snotty to him, hissing and then she found his leftovers and forgot all about him.. ;o) Loppan was really pissed off as always when introduced to other cats.. She layed on the table just trying to get rid of him by staring at him in a very inpolite way.. He didn't even bother to look at her! Bruce followed him EVERYWHERE possible, but in a nice way and Candy was hissing a bit, but in a quite nice way.. Seemed she only wanted to tell him who's the boss around here... And Blossa... I must say that of all our cats there couldn't be a nicer or friendlier cat than her! She immediately started to sniff on him and a couple of seconds later she found out that he had to be licked all over his face. She is so sweet, darling Blossa! When the cats had met Ushki wanted to play, and Stefan did play with Ushki a lot! I don't know if Stefan or Ushki liked it the most, probably they both were pleased! ;o)
Well, time to go to bed now... See you all tomorrow.. ;o)
3 kommentarer:
Välkommna hem!
Roligt att se och höra att hans temprament är VG ;-) Verkar vara en enormt trevlig Krabat!
Vilken goding! :-)
Skönt att höra att allt har gått bra! Grattis och lycka till med lillkillen nu. :) Jag hoppas ju att bloggen fylls med bilder på Ushki den närmaste tiden... ;)
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