Ushki is a wonderful kitten, and we are so very glad that he moved in with us! He is clever and always finds a way to get what he wants, and he's also very playful, sweet and with a wonderful temper! He now weighs 1700grams, and that is an ok weight for a boy of his age, I think. The most funniest part with him is that right before we are going to bed he realizes that now is the time to play! He runs around like a maniac, full speed in the stairs, and acts like he never can relax. But he can.. As soon as we lay down in our bed he comes, purring, cuddling and licking our fingers and is a very sweet boy! He sleeps all the night in our bed, some hours on me and some hours right beside Stefan. Ushki is a little sweetheart! He for sure has adapted to our family, and that feels good. I believe that he is as pleased with us as we are with him, and that is nice! The other cats are more than fine with him now, even if Bruce sometimes think of him as his new girlfriend.. ;oO But we continues to remind Bruce that Ushki is a male and not his new girlfriend.... ;o) Loppan even ate her supper yesterday right beside Ushki and didn't growl at all! Domino is very caretaking at the moment, she holds Ushki with a firm paw and washes him now and then, and Candy is also nice to him. Blossa is the playmate for Ushki, even though she normally isn't playful at all... But she does try to play with him, and he still lies in ambush for her.. ;o) Hopefully Loppan and Ushki will "find" eachothers, because I think the two of them is quite equal, and they will probably make this house look like an even worse disaster if they do...

Shantaram is supposed to deliver kittens on Tuesday... So it's quite much pressure about that, and lots of thoughts.. She has gained a lot of weight, 1,5kg until the beginning of this week, but we still hope that it's about 4 kittens... The first litter from two cats from our prefix, that feels nice.. Especially since we believe in this litter a lot, both considering size, temper and looks.. Well, soon we will hopefully be able to tell you more about the litter... ;o) Keep your fingers crossed that everything will work out fine!

Mycket jobb o styr nu, både med det "vanliga" pengabringande jobbet, och det ideella i klubben. Affisher till KM, infoblad mm har jag gjort och arbetet med årets sista klubbtidning är på g.. Kul, men tidskrävande. I helgen har det också varit styrelsemöte och så har vi varit en sväng på Skälby med Wilma, eftersom hon så gärna ville leka på den stora lekplatsen. Sacke har varit hos farmor, och Maja har haft kompisar på övernattning från fredag till lördag, o däremellan varit i stallet. En rätt lugn helg m a o och det känns skönt. I november blir det både KM i Skogkattslingans regi samt Calmare kattklubb. Till det sistnämnda kommer alla fyra barnen från Blom-kullen, det ska bli jätteskoj att se dem samlade igen! Då ska kameran fram och ungarna fotas, det lovar jag!
Min älskade vän som ligger på sjukhus har bättrat på sig aningen, det känns gott att veta, och även om vägen tillbaka säkert blir lång och svår så känner jag att mitt hopp har återvänt! Håller fortsatt tummarna att allt ska gå åt rätt håll!!
Annars inget nytt, ikväll ska jag o Sacke iväg o städa hans gympasal.. Det måste göras en gång per termin och idag är det vår tur... Hmmm... Inte direkt skoj, men det måste ju göras..
Ha det gott och önskar alla en trevlig ny vecka och en trevlig kväll!