Well, we did think of Ushki and Delfinia. Delfinia refuses to call or go into heat.. But we are still waiting. Meanwhile we have thought about mating her mum instead with Ushki, since we do believe his pedigree, temper and excellent coatquality among other nice qualities is worth to pass on for the future.. But Candy had one date with Ushki and he didn't dare to mate her. She is the main queen at home, and also she is fat.. Really fat.. She is turning 7 years old this Summer and maybe she won't have another litter.. We'll see..
But long before that we had an original plan concerning the litter of Bruce and Shanta, and since you all might know I did get one female, Sharin Foo, from this litter. She was the first choice for me to have as Ushkis girlfriend. But she didn't get that big that I expected, even if she weighs around 4 kg and are "the skinny type". Also Marie wanted to use Ushki for Sharins mum Shanta, so we abandoned this idea, and started to look for a suitable male for Sharin instead, and we also thought that everything would go as we planned.. Shanta met Ushki, but didn't get pregnant. Then Ushki met Beyoncé instead, and SHE did get pregnant.. She wasn't either the first choice for Marie, but the litter came, and they all look just wonderful, so it turned out to be a great mating! And for a couple of weeks ago Sharin did spend ONE night with Ushki. Candy was on call, and we had to separate the three boys from the rest of the catgang, and so we did. Except that Sharin earlier had sneaked into the room where we put Ushki. So they were together for one night, and when she came out she was definately on call. Phui! But since Ushki isn't the demanding type of male, he is polite and gentle, we thought that there was nothing to worry about.. I mean one night! That's not much for a mating.. But Sharin Foo has nipples that are redish now. And she has gained a lot of weight, and also has a small belly she didn't have earlier.. She is tired almost all the time and has changed her behaviour a bit.. So it seems like she is pregnant anyway.. No harm done, but we can't be totally sure that she hasn't sneaked in our out earlier either, and since she seem to be a calm girl even going on call.. So if there will be kittens we will run some tests just in case, to check that we are correct with the pedigrees.. Phui! So this leave us with Candy not pregnant and Delfinia not pregnant, but Sharin Foo is probably pregnant.. What a mess! But it could be worse! We did know of the night they had spend together so we can be right with the birthdate, and also we have no close relationship between the two lovers, so even if it wasn't the plan it feels quite nice anyway. :o)

So maybe there will be some kittens for us this summer too, even if I have said for a loooooong time ago that kittens this summer will maybe be at Delfinias hostfamily, but no litter at home. This summer I had planned to take it easy and not worrying about any kittens.. But who said that I'm the one in charge for plans and their fulfilment? Most surtainly not the cats anyway, they know they rules! ;o)
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