Well, now Minnie has left us to live with her new owner Heather Anne in Tudela (Navarra), Spain! We are so happy and hope Minnie will do well as the new breeding queen of La Peyre. Good luck with darling Minnie, Anne!
Minnie and I went by train to Copenhagen and then we were flying with Spanair to Madrid where Anne & Javier picked us up. Minnie didn't make a sound during the whole trip, and I am so proud of her nice behaviour!
On Saturday we went to a Show in Las Rozas, Madrid with Anne, Javier, Susanna (Tierra Media*ES) and it was really nice! Minnie got Ex 2 after a more developed female, but I was so happy how nicely she showed herself and of the good report of the judge so it didn't matter...
On the show I also met Urdax La Peyre, Ushkis brother. They look a bit like, not amazing since the litter was lovely even, but I still prefer Ushki, even if Urdax also is a lovely boy. Nice to know that Ushki is the right boy for us anyway.. Urdax got his CAC in competition, well done!
Another boy I was really impressed of was Quo Vadis La Peyre, he is astonishing beautiful even if he is under development. Lovely boy!!
Before I am going to bed I would like to send all my best to a dear breederfriend and two favourite persons, Heather Anne & Javier! I have had a wonderful weekend and would like to thank you a lot for that! You are amazing and also I would like to give Anne credit for her breeding. I am proud to be an owner of a cat from La Peyre, and I really hope you will enjoy Minnie as well..
2 kommentarer:
Vilken duktig resenär Minnie är! Kul att hon ska bo i Spanien, du verkar ha fått jättefin kontakt med uppfödarna.
Välkommen hem!
Jodå, Judy Garland minns jag väldigt väl. Trollkarlen från Oz finns etsad i minnet. Tänker alltid på hennes sång när jag ser regnbågen!
Skönt att alla kattliga äventyr gått bra. Man kan aldrig ta ngt för givet, utan vara tacksam för att alla kära har hälsan.
Kram till er alla!
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